
Sunday 31 May 2009

Emma & Wyl's wedding

It was a fantastic day: brilliant weather, a beautiful bride and a couple wreathed in smiles. From the Compleat Angler, via Marlow church with a trumpet, readings and some songs; a boat along up the Thames to the Monk's Barn at Hurley where we played garden games; a supper with home-made muffins, followed by a ceilidh and some final lanterns drifting into the still night. Perfect.

Did you spot the Cornish products: cheese and sweet william flowers (a nod at the bridegroom) both of which had been sent up specially? The bride carried a simple bouquet of those sweet williams.

Photos are coming in from all over the place:
Preparation pictures - the table decorations seemed a good idea at the time
Nick's pictures - look out for the bouncing bride and the lanterns
Karen's pictures - lots of photos of the innocent mob at play
The unbelievably brilliant official photos by Sim Canetty-Clarke

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